Smoking Cigar
Directions and tips on how to light a cigar impeccably
Chosen a cigar for our smoked and cut in the correct way, we just have to move to the decisive moment: the ignition of the cigar.
Learning how to light a cigar requires patience and attention.
For cigar smokers now bedded represents a pleasant ritual able to introduce and determine the atmosphere of the smoked.
Fundamental, as for the cut, will be the choice of the instrument.
Accessories to light the cigars
Gasoline lighters or other types of lighters or wax that could alter the taste of the cigar are highly recommended. A wooden match, better if long, or a gas cigarettelighter, are the most appropriate allies to accomplish this operation.
From tradition, arm of patience and wooden matches would be ideal to light a cigar, but the use of a gas cigarette lighter, thanks to constant and regular flame, ease the homogeneous and regular ignition and therefore proves a valid alternative, Especially for beginners.
How to light a cigar: step and tips
Initially it will be necessary to hold the cigar between the fingers in an oblique position and rotate it , letting the foot go in contact with the flame, a couple of centimeters away, as necessary to heat it.
The progressive and patient warming will prevent blackening and lead us to ignition.
blowing on the Brazier will allow us to control the uniformity of combustion, Aspect to which you will have to pay attention throughout the smoke. keeping the ashes of the Bracer, without hurriedly getting rid of it, will help us manage the combustion in a correct way.
During the smoke, the cigar must be tasted without haste. avoid too frequent mouthfuls: They would overheat the bracere, altering the flavors.
If the cigar goes out sooner than expected, nothing to fear: blowing in the cigar to remove the old smoke and drawing the brazier will be possible to proceed to a new ignition according to the procedure already described.
Important to remember that the cigar ash should not be eliminated by shaking or tapping the cigar. Resisting the temptation of “ciccare” will be one of the aspects of How you smoke a cigar, especially if you are regular smokers of cigarettes, among the hardest to get used to. The ash that composes the cigar brazier, however, as mentioned above, is important to ensure uniformity in combustion.
When the time comes, it will fall by itself.
The same patience will be dedicated to the quenching of cigars: a cigar, when the smoke is considered finished, must go off by itself. Avoid, therefore, to crumple what remains of your smoked in an ashtray as you would with a common cigarette.
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